Town of Niagara Supervisor Lee Wallace and the Town Board dedicated the road leading into Veteran’s Memorial Community Park as “Joe Rotella Way” Monday night in a ceremony held before the Town’s weekly Music Mania Mondays free concert. The Town’s “Pocket Parks” were also re-dedicated, complete with new signage.
“The Town Board has made the revitalizing all of our town neighborhood parks as well as tonight’s re-dedication ceremony a top priority. Taking the time to once again remember those whom these parks are where originally named in honor of was long overdue,” said Supervisor Lee Wallace.
“One past town official who dedicated himself to the Town of Niagara and the Recreation Department specifically was Mr. Joseph Rotella. On this Monday night his memory and legacy received the accolades so well deserved. Joe Rotella was not only the first Recreation Director for the Town of Niagara, but he was also the first Athletic Director in the history of the Niagara Wheatfield Central School District,” added Wallace.
“Joe was an inspiration to many of the youth in the Town of Niagara and a mentor to many of us who followed in his footsteps in the field of education. If Joe were here today he would be so proud of how far the Town of Niagara Recreation program has come over the last 60 plus years. On Monday August 21st, we dedicate the entrance road into Veterans Memorial Community Park at 7000 Lockport Road as “Joe Rotella Way”, “concluded Wallace.
Joseph Rotella, who passed away at the age of 92 in April of 2015, taught and coached at Military Road School before transitioning to the newly opened Niagara Wheatfield Senior High School in 1958. Rotella played an instrumental role in developing the entire physical education and athletic programs for the Niagara Wheatfield Central School District as Athletic Director. Rotella was also the founder of the Town of Niagara Parks’ Summer Recreational athletic and art programs, laying the foundation for the successful programs in place today.
Town of Niagara “Pocket Parks” Dedication
The Town’s “Pocket Parks” re-dedicated are:
Belden Center: John Wojtowicz Playground
Veterans Heights: Sharpe Park
Veterans Heights: Ellerington Playground
John Street: John Neilson Playground
Colonial Village: Gary A. Guiliani Playground
JoAnne Circle: Rosa Garcia Playground